by Zeng Wei Jian Manson nyusun script pembunuhan. He didn’t commit any of those murders. Followers-nya yang melakukan pembantaian.
“Scripted violence” diproduksi seorang figur who has a national platform; mendeskripsikan violence yang ingin dilakukan.
The rhythm of terror menyelimuti udara Indonesia. The number of attacks within a year. Publicity goals, kalender political dan by the size of the terrorist ranks.
Problematik Jakarta, Kasus Richard Joost Lino, Sadikin Aksa jadi tersangka, dan Polemik Partai Demokrat. Sebuah rangkaian puzzle.
“Tak hanya Gereja yang jadi target terorisme,” kata Jusuf Kalla.
Mabes Polri Trunojoyo diserang Lone Wolf Terrorist tadi sore. Baoz Ganor (2010) menyimpulkan ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom’ fighter’. Terror is a political instrument. Definisi simple global “terorisme” adalah “Violence I don’t support’”.
British State Security Service MI5 mendeskripsikan terrorism sebagai “The use of violence and threats of violence to publicise their causes and as means to achieve their goals. Their aim to pressure governments but reject democratic processes, or even democracy itself”.
Definisi Department of State Amerika 1983 diterima seluruh dunia. It reads: “terrorism is premediated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience”.
Terorisme berkembang di negeri demokrasi. Mati oleh authoritarian governments.
Media, mass communication, public discourse dan teknologi internet ikut membangun “virtual communities of hatred”. Lintas negara. Borderless. Terorist dari berbagai negara dan lokalitas bisa terkoneksi dan promote kebencian terhadap minoritas & other out-groups.
Four waves of terrorism: Anarchist wave, Anti-Colonial wave (nationalist-separatist), New Left wave (social revolutionary); and now the Religious wave. Phenomenon terbaru the fifth wave: lone wolf terrorists. Internet meradikalisasi mereka and feel they belong to the virtual community of hatred.
“The Politics of Terror” by Erica Chenoweth and Pauline Moore menggagas “proportionality” sebagai guiding principle for counterterrorism in “both moral and strategic terms”.
The right mix of both hard and soft power. The moral and strategic equilibrium.
Vertically, the acceptability and legitimacy penggunaan instrument repressive di negara liberal democratic seperti Indonesia.
Horizontally, new avenues seperti aktivis kemanusiaan, NGO, Political leaders, scholars on terrorism, students and practitioners harus merilis apa yang disebut Philippe-Joseph Salazar dengan istilah ‘Words are Weapons’.
Kontra narasi against the popular and false ideas of extrimism harus dimaximalkan. Patahkan pengaruh ideology teroris. Stop recruitment. Seperti yang dilakukan pada the emerging problem of Hindu or Saffron terrorism in India.